Wednesday 29 September 2010

Poll: Hugh Jackman can bulk order up a vegan for Wolverine II


A few weeks ago our weekly poll focused on how a vegan diet almost killed Angelina Jolie.

Now it has been reported, Hugh Jackman is considering using a vegan diet to bulk up for his next film X-Men Origins: Wolverine II. If a vegan diet almost "killed" Angelina will prepare a ripped, tough but vegetarian wolverine?

In a recent interview with VegNews, Brendan Brazier, (a vegan nutritionist, athlete, author and founder of vegetarian based Vega), said he has worked with Jackman to prepare his up-coming films.

Although Wolverine bulked up eating a lot of chicken to his previous films, Jackman ago switched to a mainly vegan diet for environmental and health reasons.Brazier not certain if the actor will go entirely vegan for his bulk, but will probably be mostly vegan.

Want a vegan diet contains enough protein to produce the muscular Wolverine, we experienced in the first X-Men Origins movie, or will we see a punier version in Wolverine II?

What do you think? take part in the poll and comments below.

Can a vegan diet is used to represent bulky muscle mass?

View the original article here

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