Tuesday 28 September 2010

Please help: Ex-nurse, Herbalist, fat content and confused! [Forum]

Please read this in its entirety. I lack the knowledge does not in any way. I think just I missing something and would love some advice to perhaps jar my memory.
I weigh am 41, 5 ' 7 210 look like I am only around 180. But Im done with body builder appearance, I would like to lose weight and tone. I have tried everything; I think there is something wrong, I don't get. I drink any soda, I drink water throughout the day, Cup of hot tea at bedtime (without sugar). I eat any bread, processed foods, sweets and I actually like salt. I love spicy food, take a multi vitamin each day. Do pilates 3 times a week, yoga twice a week. And go big nuttede 3-5 times a week, 3-5 kilometres each time. I am a very busy, active person. Only sleep perhaps 6 hours a night and Im ok with that, hardly ever feel drained or tired. Beverage not alcohol. Ride a bicycle to the grocery store and Eat mainly fruits and vegetables and nuts. I eat bison instead of hamburger.And I have a small stomache, where I have to eat 4-5 small meals daily large meals evil to me and want to Bloat me. Takes I fiber daily also.
Not sure if Im forgeting something? Oh-Im sure I eat around 1200-1500 calories a day have kept a diary so log now what?? I want to lose 5 lbs and then get 7 back? I have been eating this way in years-but it seems that Im actually winning faster? I must have something medically wrong? I have tested the bloodsugar also just in case and Im pretty darn normal. Bo around 80-112. PLEASE someone-I ask someone to show me the light. What do I do wrong? Or what's wrong?I've had thyroid tested 6 times!!Just say the normal levels??I am so lost. thank you!!

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