Wednesday 29 September 2010

Would this amount of exercise be considered "Moderate"? [Forum]

today I did a "guts, butts and thighs" class

It felt like a pretty good workout, but I am in shape so I was not sure I've heard others say how much it made them sore, but idk if I would feel.

The class was an hour and afterwards I spoke to the instructor and asked her how many calories, she estimated the burned. She said, of course, it depends on the weight, as I know, but she she deems it around 600, because it is a anærob class mixing cardio and strength.

When the class I ran 3 mil, 2 a Jog and 1 was a six-minute mile

so I did some more ab workouts and a bit more leg workouts to ca. 20 minutes

would you consider this moderate exercise or hard exercise?

This will probably only be 1 day week because the class is only one day per week

tomorrow I will probably run approximately 5 miles and make approximately 30-45 min. strength training

Wed. I have a football match in an hour

Thursday: will be a cardio Boxing class for an hour then probably run 2 miles, then a hip-hop class
When I want to make the strength of 30 min.

Fri-Sat is usually breaks
But I can go to a club where I dance for at least 2 hours nonstop and thats gotta be some exercise

and another day I would probably go a 3-5 mile trip

but overall weekends are rest days

the main point is, would you considerate my practice moderate or heavy?

View the original article here

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