Thursday 30 September 2010

Do you lack motivation to exercise?


One of the best ways to overcome a lack of motivation to exercise, is to find a healthy role model.

But forget about Angelina Jolie, or Hugh Jackman, this is ...Carol Burns and she is the real deal!

So what is Carol's half advice for slackers among us?

Hey, get off your duff and come over here and workout ... works for me!

This was Carol celebrates her 90th birthday on curves gym. Yes, you read that right, she is 90 year old ... wow!

I love Carol's half core values:

I want to grow old, one day, just not today I hold so working. next, so I don't have to.

Can you see yourself still work when you are 90 years old?

View the original article here

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Poll: Hugh Jackman can bulk order up a vegan for Wolverine II


A few weeks ago our weekly poll focused on how a vegan diet almost killed Angelina Jolie.

Now it has been reported, Hugh Jackman is considering using a vegan diet to bulk up for his next film X-Men Origins: Wolverine II. If a vegan diet almost "killed" Angelina will prepare a ripped, tough but vegetarian wolverine?

In a recent interview with VegNews, Brendan Brazier, (a vegan nutritionist, athlete, author and founder of vegetarian based Vega), said he has worked with Jackman to prepare his up-coming films.

Although Wolverine bulked up eating a lot of chicken to his previous films, Jackman ago switched to a mainly vegan diet for environmental and health reasons.Brazier not certain if the actor will go entirely vegan for his bulk, but will probably be mostly vegan.

Want a vegan diet contains enough protein to produce the muscular Wolverine, we experienced in the first X-Men Origins movie, or will we see a punier version in Wolverine II?

What do you think? take part in the poll and comments below.

Can a vegan diet is used to represent bulky muscle mass?

View the original article here

Would this amount of exercise be considered "Moderate"? [Forum]

today I did a "guts, butts and thighs" class

It felt like a pretty good workout, but I am in shape so I was not sure I've heard others say how much it made them sore, but idk if I would feel.

The class was an hour and afterwards I spoke to the instructor and asked her how many calories, she estimated the burned. She said, of course, it depends on the weight, as I know, but she she deems it around 600, because it is a anærob class mixing cardio and strength.

When the class I ran 3 mil, 2 a Jog and 1 was a six-minute mile

so I did some more ab workouts and a bit more leg workouts to ca. 20 minutes

would you consider this moderate exercise or hard exercise?

This will probably only be 1 day week because the class is only one day per week

tomorrow I will probably run approximately 5 miles and make approximately 30-45 min. strength training

Wed. I have a football match in an hour

Thursday: will be a cardio Boxing class for an hour then probably run 2 miles, then a hip-hop class
When I want to make the strength of 30 min.

Fri-Sat is usually breaks
But I can go to a club where I dance for at least 2 hours nonstop and thats gotta be some exercise

and another day I would probably go a 3-5 mile trip

but overall weekends are rest days

the main point is, would you considerate my practice moderate or heavy?

View the original article here

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Please help: Ex-nurse, Herbalist, fat content and confused! [Forum]

Please read this in its entirety. I lack the knowledge does not in any way. I think just I missing something and would love some advice to perhaps jar my memory.
I weigh am 41, 5 ' 7 210 look like I am only around 180. But Im done with body builder appearance, I would like to lose weight and tone. I have tried everything; I think there is something wrong, I don't get. I drink any soda, I drink water throughout the day, Cup of hot tea at bedtime (without sugar). I eat any bread, processed foods, sweets and I actually like salt. I love spicy food, take a multi vitamin each day. Do pilates 3 times a week, yoga twice a week. And go big nuttede 3-5 times a week, 3-5 kilometres each time. I am a very busy, active person. Only sleep perhaps 6 hours a night and Im ok with that, hardly ever feel drained or tired. Beverage not alcohol. Ride a bicycle to the grocery store and Eat mainly fruits and vegetables and nuts. I eat bison instead of hamburger.And I have a small stomache, where I have to eat 4-5 small meals daily large meals evil to me and want to Bloat me. Takes I fiber daily also.
Not sure if Im forgeting something? Oh-Im sure I eat around 1200-1500 calories a day have kept a diary so log now what?? I want to lose 5 lbs and then get 7 back? I have been eating this way in years-but it seems that Im actually winning faster? I must have something medically wrong? I have tested the bloodsugar also just in case and Im pretty darn normal. Bo around 80-112. PLEASE someone-I ask someone to show me the light. What do I do wrong? Or what's wrong?I've had thyroid tested 6 times!!Just say the normal levels??I am so lost. thank you!!

View the original article here