Monday 18 October 2010

Diet Drug Meridia may cause Heart Attack and stroke


Last Friday, diet drug Meridia was dragged from the shelves in the United States by its maker, Abbott Laboratories.

Meridia, a prescription drugs, was known to cause a higher risk of heart attacks and strokes in trials, but scientists trøde this effect can be compensated for by weight loss benefits. it was not.

Asked the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about Meridias removal, specifies the increased heart disease and stroke risk file handling an acceptable price to pay for the "very modest weight loss" that drugs cause.

Since January, were not sold Meridia in Europe. it has now been withdrawn in Canada and Australia, as well as in the United States.

It is a little surprise that Abbott, despite the risks for dieters, was reluctant to withdraw from the sale Meridia Diet pills. can be enormously profitable for pharmaceutical companies:

So far this year had pill [Meridia] $ 80 million in sales in the world, including the $ 20 million in the United States source

However, after a number of health scares related to diet drugs, perhaps dieters will return to safe weight loss and proven methods: a healthy diet, combined with exercise.

Both are not just good for losing weight, they are also excellent for a healthy heart.

View the original article here

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