Tuesday 5 October 2010

Drinking Milk Helps Weight Loss


We've got all kinds of things in weight loss: pills, diet books, surgery and even vibrating machines you Strap around your belly. But who would have thought the answer would be as simple as drinking milk.

A new study claims dokumenthåndteringsknappen milk and calcium helped people lose more weight, regardless of diet.

But before you go out and buy your own personal dairy cow, take a look at who sponsored the study.

Writes in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, experts found study participants (300 overweight men and women, ages 40 to 65, in either a low fat, Mediterranean, or low-carb diet) with the highest dairy calcium intake, 12 ounces milk-equal to 580 mg dairy calcium lost 12 pounds at the end of two years, regardless of the style diet.

On LENDING lost people with the lowest dairy calcium intake, milk calcium, approximately half a glass of milk, 150 mg only seven pounds.

Magic might not just in the milk or calcium.Researchers say vitamin D levels were higher in those people who lost the most weight.Vitamin D is a nutrient that functions as a hormone, and helps facilitate calcium absorption. Other sources of vitamin D include fatty fish such as salmon and algae dietary supplements.

But research has a serious, and unfortunately all too common error, it was supported by Dr. Robert c. and Veronica Atkins Research Foundation, IE.a fad diet company. Atkins recommends a high-fat diet for weight loss, eating foods such as bacon, steak, eggs and milk, of course, so have you raise an eyebrow. It is the same as a cigarette maker backing research claims actually breathe ETS improve lung health. fail.

When a fad diet, activist group or pharmaceutical company sponsors an investigation cannot be trusted results. It is like a mafia don buys a judge.

Image credit: [henning]

View the original article here

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