Sunday 10 October 2010

Start of ten comments FAD diets

Many people want to lose much weight and are willing to try anything from a staple of stomach a diet wacky far outside. Some diets are controversial and may be harmful to health. Others are short-term hunger. Here is a list of fashionable diets ten top passenger.

# 1 The Atkins diet is one of the most popular American and still lingers over many years.The Atkins Diet base is processed foods and a diet high in carbohydrates are the fundamental problems that make and keep people grasa.La diet has four phases.

The first phase and more restrictive is the OWL phase. The phase of Owl (permanent weight loss) limited carbohydrate intake to only 20 grams per day.Twelve and fifteen years of those grams must come from ensaladas.Carnes, seafood, fish and poultry are abundant at this stage.A bit of cheese is allowed vegetables daily, some low carbohydrate, without alcohol, caffeine limited, butter or oil and water, lots and lots of water, requirements be consumed.

Second phase allows carbohydrates each week selected staircase of alimentos.El dieter Gets an increase of five grams of carbohydrates per week a group of different food each week during this phase.

The next phase increases carbs until it stops peso.Una time loss the dieter reached the final weight goal kicks in maintenance phase begins.

Atkins Diet shows immediate weight loss, but it is difficult to keep me from rigid eating patterns. One study showed that diet can cause kidney damage.

# 2 Of the green tea diet uses a nutritional diet low in calories and green tea is added to each meal and snack.

# 3 Number three in the list of diet fashion top ten is the negative calorie diet.
Diet gets its name from the theory that diet - food use more calories digesting that they contain. Although there is no scientific proof that you can eat its slim form, many of these foods are healthy, nutritional, foods that are low in calories.The food in the list of increase the metabolism of the body and help with rapid weight reduction.

# 4 The diet grape is number four on top fad diets have probably the peor.Nada but grapes and water becomes fee by days end. This diet, originally created to clean your system and fight cancer, became a somewhere in the way weight loss diet.

# 5 The three hours that takes into consideration the time of day that you eat diet.Diet food mini-comidas lunch breaks every three hours.Resembles a hipoglicemia.La diet diet is nutritionally balanced and keeps blood sugar levels in blood estable.Que stability reduces the momentum for one: 00 the five feeding frenzy frequently occurs in dieters. This one makes sense.The below is the need to eat constantly, even if it is busy or not hungry.

# 6 Lemonade diet was another cleanup that was changed to one weight loss diet.Nothing more than a beverage of maple syrup, cayenne pepper and lemon juice is in the list of edibles for the fast for 10 days.

Ice cream diet of # 7The is simply a calorie diet regular controlled which makes room for a bit of ice cream at the end of the day.Of course, if you are controlled calories, weight loss occurs.Diet is nothing more than assigning for ice cream.Calcium in gelato is good for bones and metabolism of aid, but outside of that, could replace a brownie and call it diet brownie.

# 8 The cabbage soup diet used soup created from cabbage and other vegetables and mixtures with other food rations and cranberry juice from low in calories or tea during five days of monotony and stomachs of firedamp.

# 9 Raw food diet is a strict vegetarian diet with all left uncooked foods.They blend, chop them and organize them but not cook anything or heated beyond 116 degrees Fahrenheit.Alimentos raw contain more vitamins than their counterparts often dry cocidos.Frutos are included in the diet of raw as the source proteĆ­nas.La which consists mainly of vegetable diet is a diet low in calories, but is difficult to keep well equilibrado.Es much healthier than the majority of fad diets, and the introduction of raw body vegetables brings in many nutrientes.La clean raw vegetables fiber lots of harmful waste.

# 10 The end of the diet in the list of top fad diets ten is the diet of the equal zona.Al that Atkins Diet phases and trafficking to change the style of life and habits alimenticios.La diet zone uses an act of balance for your carbohydrate food carbono.cada relationship consists of 40% of food such as carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% of the food in grasas.La popularity of this diet created by the adoption of programme of Oprah puts it in the list of fashionable diets ten top passenger.

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