Sunday 17 October 2010

Maintaining weight loss after the treatment of illness [Forum]

Hello there

I have an unusual questions.I used to be very overweight, with a BMI 28. earlier in the year I started to lose weight very quickly, and by april was diagnosed with cancer.

In the late, my weight had plummeted to what is perfect for my height and have remained there now, where I in remission, I will keep this new emphasis. I know, however, that most people get the weight back after massive weight loss and, in any case, I didn't ' servant ' my weight loss.

I am very motivated to stay in this new emphasis, on the other hand, because I would never be so sick again in my life, and being overweight is a risk factor for cancer. also because when I was very ill, I made my spirits by looking at the fashion websites, even clothes I could bear when got better.I keep a food journal, and eat the right amount of calories to my age (42), activity level and the height. I have also started walking time about the day and when I am in better health, intend to join a gym and take classes.

I have also got rid of my old clothes and take pleasure in buying new clothes that fit perfectly. It was hugely expensive, so if I win the weight again, I would be up to the large clothes BOMs.

But I have already come up against difficulties.Most other people-anyone think always offers cake or alcohol and the apparently offended if I refuse.A few people have even said ' feeding ' necessary even if my weight are clinically perfect to my height and body; I think they are shocked at how much weight I have lost and believe that if I went back to look like I did before, in a way that would mean I was back to normal.Then there are people who seem to actively want to me to be fat again. a friend, there are more than obese themselves, pointing me almost spells, weight lost, always comes back.My partner, who is overweight, even love his food and always brings chocolate and other snacks into the House.We have even had battles about it-he says he understands, but then it brings me home some chocolate.

I have also lost a huge muscle mass because of my disease. Should I expect to put on some weight as I more exercise, as muscle returns, or is all of the weight gain is likely to be fat?

Has anyone got any advice for me? I feel it only good for this terrible disease was lasting weight loss and I want to keep it, I could not stand it if I got again, fat on top of everything else-but how I cope with friends and family want to push the food on me?, and do I need to know anything about changing metabolism, etc, etc?

Thank you for all the advice,


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