Friday 1 October 2010

How can I recover from a Days Binge Eating? [Forum]

I have been on a really strict diet in the past few months. I have been eating anywhere from 800 to 1500 calories a day but burning 1,000 just in the gym in 3 days a week and other days I would make a lighter exercise as a 3-5 mile walk or a 7 vs. 7 soccer game. in most cases, would my Calorie intake is around 1000, and probably around 1500 maybe twice.

Nevertheless, a few days ago I decided to up my Calorie intake to about 1,500 average trying to maintain my weight reason, I do not want to lose any more, I just to maintain it.

I had a hardtime and was closer to around 1200. I feel pretty guilty, eat more.

well today breakfast, I had a pb & J at 100 cal bread thins as had about 200 calories, a 387 Calorie bran muffin lunch.all was fine until dinner and my father made tacos, I had 7 and two large portions of Spanish rice. tacos were the authentic mexican form
they were carne asada/chicken on a grilled corn tortilla with chile and onions (not as chile and onions have calories). IM guess my Calorie intake today was around 2900

think you after tomorrow I eat around 750 calories eat only things like salads, egg whites, zucchini, and perhaps a slimfast I will be okay?

the rest of the next week should I stay in the range 1000 or continue my plane back to 1500. I do not want to gain weight, how I solve this problem?

View the original article here

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