Wednesday 6 October 2010

Interview with Ben Davis: "My 120 pound Journey"

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In January 2009, had a young man named Ben Davis had enough. He was 358 lbs, and his weight was taking its toll on his health and his personal life. Then one day he began to run ...

If you have not seen this incredibly inspiring video you even doing a favor and see it Then see it again ... and share it with others. Ben Davis ' journey is a true testimony of the human spirit and what you can accomplish with dedication, hard work (and some drikkekop band AIDS!)

Here is the video:

Determined to get inside the head of such a strong and fearless man, I caught up with Ben Davis and had the privilege to pick his brain about his fantastic journey.

MH: Hello ben!

First and foremost, thank you so much for taking time out to do this.

BD: It is my pleasure; I accepted.

MH: I beat really of the line in the video, say "and then I got inspired". Was there a moment/event/epiphany that occurred there started you into action?Describe If you can, as the turning point was.

BD: There was a great moment for me. it was Christmas of ' 08.I am spending the break with my grandmother in Massachusetts. She has always been a great fan of me, but has always been concerned with my health and obesity.Throughout my life, she always had offered me Advice and tips on how you are healthy, but what I appreciated it, I had also always kind of dismissed the. Then this special Christmas, in one of our many conversations she just asked me if I was happy. At the time I told her I was just blithely. Later the same evening, however, I began to think about it, and realized I was not satisfied. I had also luxury to be able to designate my sorrow for my obesity.

So the next morning was Christmas, and becomes the irresponsible grandson, I had not got her a gift.I woke up early and made website. I wrote the address on one card for her and told her, it was my duty to her that it was finally time to get my life together. She loved it.

MH: When you decided that you had to run, you have a specific goal in mind? You ever think of when you started this journey of less than 2 years ago you would have gone through a dramatic change?

BD: Which file manager really any targets in the first instance other than, "lose weight, get fit." But I knew that running would be a means to that end, so my brother, Jed and I signed up for a 5 K kind of kickstart us and give us something to work towards. He had about 50 pounds to lose (and incidentally) so it was a perfect time for both of us get our act together.

But finishing 5 K 17 days later lit a fire in me.I loved the race atmosphere and loved seeing my times improve, so I never looked back.

MH: Persons start these types ledelsesgaranter constantly with the best intentions, but very few of them do what you did. What was it kept you go, ben?

BD: a few things, actually.First and foremost, the fear of going back to the dark place of depression.I knew how sad I was back then and never wanted to go back.I actually wrote a letter to my future self on the blog.It basically said, "dude, if you are considering giving up, just remember that you have never been so satisfied that you are now. Keep going. " And any time I would have a bad run or eat bad in a week, I will remember this letter and keep in time.

Another thing was the ride-on scene and constant races. Motivation keeps having racer and objectives for these races really. I would probably have been successful if I had gone in just trying to have random workout each day With the years you always kind of on a set schedule, education wise, and always want to improve your time so you are always motivated to keep hitting the track.

MH: you have completed an amazing feat to this point. What are some of your personal and athletic goals for the future?

Becomes bigger, have I really not built for speed. I am more in favour of long distance calls, stamina stuff like triathlons and long road races, so my goal is more marathonish type thing. Of course it would be great to run a marathon in all 50 States. It is one of our major goals. Multiple Ironmans, no doubt. And we have recently tinkering with the idea of a 100-miler, but nothing prepared to. The main goal, however, to keep in time.Just keep doing it. If nothing else, just make sure to live with it.

MH: Finally, what message you have for people out there who may find themselves in a situation similar to yours for 2 years ago?

BD: my four commandments!

1. be public
If you keep this for yourself, it would be easy to quit.Things are about to have a health problem/dependency, is the natural impulse to hide it and keep it secret, you are trying to better themselves.But it is also easier to complete, if it is precisely those who are familiar with it.

And here's a secret: in contrast to some dependency and alcoholism or drug use, there are hideable, obesity is different.People know you are overweight.It is not your little secret; you cheat no (no matter how much black or vertical lines you wear).So if you want to change, tell people. it seems embarrassingly, I know ... And it is difficult, but you may find that those people who loves and cares about you will be excited for you.

2. Get involved in something official
The feeling of being a part of something larger than yourself will keep you motivated to keep going.Attend a local fitness movement (running club, bicycle group, weight watchers, etc. ..)If you have a group of individuals with likeminded objectives, would you want to keep coming back.If you join a running club, gives you as a bonus, the official race (there's something scary, at first, but really no big deal), you can do to keep yourself under objective. Get involved.You will not regret it.

3. Do something that you enjoy
Running is not for everyone, so don't do it, if you do not want. you enjoy rollerblading? Good. do it, but do it enough to work. Love Cycling? Perfect. you swim in high school and wish you could get back into the sort of? Unique.

If you hate, what you are doing, do not it for a very long time. "if I had said in the beginning," I want to get really freaking good at doing the elliptic ", would have lasted two weeks BenDoesLife. find something that works for you and kill it; you can do it.

4. Be a smarter Eater
And I do not think that you have to find a popular name-brand diet thing. If you want to, fine, but they are not for everyone ... But you have to eat better and, more importantly, smarter. are you and your friends go out for pizza? Ok. Have two slices instead of seven (which was my number of choice). want something easy for breakfast? Toast an English muffin, rather than a pop-tart.

And if nothing else, Learn portion control. Our portion sizes are completely whack these days, and what you think is a small meal is probably still more than you should eat ... it will take a month or two before you're used to the smaller portions, but you get there, and it is imperative to do give it time. ...

MH: well, ben, I am sure I speak for many when I wish you a very warm congratulations and all the best in your future pursuits.

Be sure to check out Ben's blog documenting his continuing journey and the exchange of ideas, tips and other musings.

View the original article here

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